Roxy & Ryan


Roxy has a very special place in Ryan’s heart because she’s been there for him through the hardest times of his life. Since she’s a senior pup, Ryan wanted to capture memories with her before she’s gone.

In Ryan’s words
“Roxy is my real life guardian angle. She was the only reason I stayed alive for many years. If i wasn't able to look after myself, she forced to care & love something. She forced me to get up and go outside. She loved me when I thought nobody else did.

14 years ago I purchased Roxy at a Pet store in Oakville. I would regularly visit on my breaks while I was working at a youth drop in centre. She has been through five moves with me. Greeted me when I returned home from hospital, treatment & many other of life's challenges.

What Roxy enjoys most these days is looking out the window (waiting for me), lying on the front grass and going for car rides.

I truly believe that Roxy has lived a few years longer, because I was so sick for many years - battling addiction, mental health, homelessness, self-sabotage to name a few.

As I write this, Roxy is not far away from me, my heart & soul are warm with love, apprection & gratitude for the gifts this beautiful animal has given me.”